If you go back one post you can see what a difference a week makes. That little chicken house was basking in the sun and now there is snow everywhere. We decieded to move the girls (chickens) to the barn thinking it would make things easier, water-wise. Plus they keep Tom's horse company - really - I find him standing in the aisle looking at them.

With all that snow comes knitting. I have not been going out - even though there is still Christmas shopping to do. Another cowl left my needles on Sunday afternoon and walked out the door on Matt's girlfriends neck. Something about those cowls I just can't seem to get a picture. Below I am working on what I think is more like a scarflette?? They wrap around the neck and both will have buttons. The light blue is just a moss stitch out of a polar fleece that I had in my stash. With all us girls sporting our cowls my mom won't want to be left out.

The darker blue is a free pattern by frenchpressknits. Some attention required but really a nice lace pattern and going to look great around my neck. That one is out of Cascade.
Well that's all for today - my nice quiet day of staying home is turning a little crazy. I am making fried chicken for supper and I am out of paprika - weird for fried chicken but its really good and I just heard from our wood guy and he wants to deliver some wood shortly.
Be back soon!!