Thistledowns Wool Design started on her blog Saving Sunday. I have been wanting to join along on Flicker, but unfortunately seems to be to high tech for me at the moment, meaning I am going to have to get someone to help me with that. It's been fun seeing how other people are saving their Sunday. In the meantime though I am going to start keeping track of Sunday here on my blog. Yeah I know - today is Saturday, but I have a picture from last Sunday.
Sunday, 10/23/2011 we had Tom's family over for a clam bake. What is left of his mother's side of the family here in Ohio consists of an aunt, sister, cousin and their families. (Everyone else has relocated to warmer places.)

It was one of those perfect Fall days, T-shirt weater to start, sweatshirt weather later. Three generations showed up and the way everybody carried on you would have thought we saw them all the time. (We are lucky if it happens once every couple of years). We cooked 300 clams, had all the fixins to go with them and lots of desserts. There was corn hole playing, horseback riding and lots of talking, talking and more talking.
It seems like the months of September and October have had some very busy Sunday's for us. Tomorrow I am hoping my Saving Sunday post is all about football, knitting and relaxing. Hopefully I can pull that off!!