Remember that puppy back in the December posts?? Well, this is Milly now - just about 8 months old and full of energy. She is a really good walking partner though and 5 miles does not phase her a bit. On the other hand, I need her momentum to get back to the truck at the end.

The Farmer's Market opened up Saturday. Still to early for veggies, but the flowers were gorgeous.

Tom and Cooper on the left. Sara and Sonny on the right. We got Sonny as a rescue horse from the S.P.C.A. about 2 weeks ago for me to ride. Really great horse, but my arthritis just isn't cooperating - I am working on it though.

The big news of Spring was that my son - Matt became engaged to his girlfriend Ashley. A June 2012 wedding date as been set - so wedding plans are in full force around here.

We had no work this Monday morning so I'm off for another walk in the park with Milly. Hope your week is off to a good start.
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