I was totally expecting 65 and sunny today - Ha! Ha! What did I get?? Windy, sunny and cold. Still the sun kept pouring in the windows and gave us false hopes that it was warm outside. Then about 5:00 p.m. the wind picked up and it was snowing horizontally -- Nope its not Spring yet.
Below is a picture of some of my Easter/Spring decorations. When Lent starts - bye - bye snowmen and out comes the rabbits.

I started a vest this week - but I wasn't actually getting the gauge I wanted so I started over on a smaller needle and so far so good. Hopefully next time I'll have more to show. I got out some of my Need'l Love books to see what I could come up with. I actually ended up taking the rabbit pattern on the above penny rug, cutting out a few of him in different wool colors and am going to make them into wool pillows. This week my sock class starts on Thursday - I cannot wait for that. They have never had a lot of great sock yarn at my LYS but just recently they have gotten in some Noro and Malabrigo. I can't decide which one I want to knit first. So I have a lot planned for the month of March in the crafting department.
I haven't been around much this week due to work matters. You never know when this whole recession thing is going to come knocking at your door. Tom's company has been making cuts ever since December - they have laid off some people but not that many compared to what it could be. They just keep asking for concessions - I think we are just about out of things they could take back. At least Spring is around the corner and they should be picking up on work.
My job seemed pretty safe until this week. I have been typing for this company for 30+ years - the same account for a least 20 years. All of a sudden our work seemed to dry up but we can be slow this time of year - those doctors like to go skiing and all that. Well Friday we heard that they had decided to use another typing firm and we would not longer be getting their work. They are totally satisfied with the job we are doing - just somebody else will type those reports for a lot less money and the company I work for couldn't match the price they were so low. I did get to stay with the Cleveland group and most of the other girls were shifted around to different places. It just means there will be lots of learning for the next couple of weeks trying to get familiar with new accounts. So starting tomorrow I'll be back to working hard and learning new things. After 20 years you really now the routine and who says what and what they mean. The one good thing is that on Friday evening we all got an Email from our boss that she was on her way to the hospital to hook back up the phones for the one department. They were totally discouraged with this company and said enough - they wanted us up back. Its not the department I work with but there is hope maybe the same thing will happen.
So to end my long explanation that is why I have been off the blogging track this week and will probably not be around much for the month of March. I am still reading and seeing what you are all doing in your lives - just haven't had time for posting or commenting. Have a good week everyone - hopefully I will be back sooner than I expect to be.
Think SPRING!!