We will be heading to Kris and Todd's tomorrow. Two 20 pound turkeys are waiting to be deep fried - Todd will be doing that. Kris is making dressing and mashed potatoes. I'm doing the side dishes and Grandma Z is bringing the pies. Anybody else who shows up just brings something to contribute to the meal. There will be anywhere from 10 to 18 of us. There will be football watching, game playing and some searching through the adds for Black Friday. I'm supposed to work on Friday, but I'm hoping for some time off to hit a few sales.
I'm off to make a few more things - that way tomorrow will be a lazy day - for awhile at least.
I'm working, too, but I figure that's God's way of telling me not to spend any money Friday! :) We'll see how well I manage to obey, because I'll bet the surgery schedule will be very light!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey I just made 2 of those pies - but not for tomorrow unless grandma forgets the pies or we run out.....which I really don't see happening.
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