This does not feel like November. Its snowy, blustery and darn right cold out. Even though I usually go out on Friday afternoon and do errands I thought it was a good day just to stay in. I decided to start doing some cleaning that needs to be done before I put up the Christmas decorations. I don't usually put out Christmas things until after Thanksgiving but then I realized - after Thanksgiving there will only be a few weeks till Christmas. I think I have to get going on a few things -- especially the knitting!!

I still have punkins out in the flower beds and on the porches. I hope this snow melts next week so I can find them. Have a good weekend....
Yikes - snow snow snow. Where are you? I hope not near us - though they are predicting a little snowfall next week - hopefully nothing much.
Beautiful pictures though.
We're colder than the norm here too! We had flurries this a.m.
Stay warm and have a great wk.end!
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