What have I been doing for the last 10 days you ask?? I have been keeping up with all my favorite blogs and sometimes I even have time to sneak in a comment. Below you see my desk - books everywhere and what you don't see is me pulling my hair out - asking - what did he say? I thought things were moving along well with the account and group that I have been with for some 30+ years but then we started running out of work all the time - so I was doing more sitting than typing. Last week I was transferred to another group - same company but there are just different groups with different bosses and hospitals in groups all over the company. I am now with a group in New York. This is much more challenging than what I have been doing for the past year and boy have I forgotten things - plus they do everything differently. Its a new account that we just got back after they had left the company I type for and went out of the country. They were not happy with the quality so they are back with us now and of course we really, really have to keep them happy. I will say this though the hours just fly by with being so busy and thinking so much. I did run out of work yesterday but today we had lots so I am going to take it as it comes - type when I can and when there is nothing read blogs until something pops up.

Other things I am enjoying - the broccoli cheese soup my son made. I hope that little bit he left in the fridge was for me!

The weather has been Spring-like. It is a little bit colder than I would like but its better than the alternative - meaning snow.

This last picture is just what sits on an old trunk in the family room that I use as a coffee table - that I will be enjoying as I sit on the couch and knit this afternoon - after the washing, errand running, baking, etc.

Hope you enojoying Spring as much as I am. Hope to be back in a couple of days with some knitting progress and a belated BD post.
Boooyyyy does this scenerio sound familiar! It is my life! Except now with the new client my boss gave me, I am doing way too much work! But I am not going to complain and I am just going to keep on typing... not in this economy and with all that overseas competition!
Hope things gets better with work!
Love the pics. thanks for sharing!
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