First off for the weekend - I now have an Ipod. My son got bought a new one and said I could have his old one. Its not all cute and small like the new ones but it does what its supposed to do and plays music. He has had this one for quite awhile and the new one does so much more but I have never really got into that listening to music all the time type of thing - I don't even play the radio in the truck. I think it has something to do with all those doctors constantly talking at me while I'm working. At my job you dial into what they have dictated and they keep talking for 8 hours - along with coughing, sneezing, belching - you get the picture. Today he helped me download some songs and I am up and running. I didn't download a lot - just to have a few songs to get me going. He is the tech guy in our house and like I said to him - Are you ready for me to be bugging you about how to turn this thing on or get the music to play. What I really wanted it for - is when I'm out walking. When I had Annie she would set the pace - not the leash pulling pace, but she liked to walk at a brisk pace and I guess if your going to walk to get you heart rate up stay you need to be going at a brisk pace. I have noticed that since she's not with me I walk pretty slow.

I finally finished this shawl. Its out of Brown Sheep and is a verigated blue and white cotton. Just what I will need for all those chilly Spring days next month - Right???

I also finished the binding on this quilt, which I am ashamed to say has been done since last Fall. Several years ago I did the hearts attached to the squares in a blanket stitch. Then it sat for a long, long time. Last Fall Sara put it all together and quilted it for me. All I had to do was sew the binding - but its not one of my favorite things to do. I sat and wathed Notting Hill last night with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant and only had a little bit left to do this morning.

Tom has been sick most of the weekend with fever, chills and a cough - so its been pretty quiet around here as he's been on the couch sleeping a lot. I have done some more cleaning in the kitchen and in the bedroom. I will be ready for Spring whenever it shows up.
Now I have a big pile of wool that is called me. I want to see what I can get started on with that. I have a couple of ideas - maybe some easter eggs or a table runner - we'll see what happens.
Hope you are having a good weekend....
It's great to finish UFO's, isn't it? I love the quilt and the shawl! The sock looks cool, but I've never tried knitting, so it will be interesting to see how it comes out.
you need to list your UFO's under your button on your side bar...And if you need help with your iPod let me know! Like the socks!
Love this hart quilt. Have a kreative day
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