This is one of the heart pieces in my house. Its a counted cross stitch I did at least 15 years ago. It still sits on the mantel and I love looking at it. I used to do a lot of counted cross stitch and would really like to do it again - for right now though I'm a knitting person. This month I'll show you all the heart things in my house - stay tuned for that..
Today was a busy, busy day - not what Tom or I planned. Good thing we slept in this morning - until 7:45!! For people who get up at 5:00-5:30 every day that is really late. We went and got our trailer from Rich and Sara, then we went to Kris and Todd's to pick up a horse that we are bringing to our house to keep Cooper company and Tom is giong to work with her since they are doing cows this year and probably will not get to do anything with her. Then I went into town and treated myself to a Latte - Ahhhh - that was good. Now I'm going to put on my PJs, watch the Super Bowl and knit. Sounds like a good evening to me.
Hope you had a good weekend......
your plan for the evening sounds great. i'm going to shower, put on p.j.'s and sew in the other room while hubby watches superbowl. lol. today was nicer than the last few for sure. i hope we don't get too much more snow this week.
i love the cross-stitch.
i am doing the same thing youa re tonight! i need to finish my husbands sweater!
Happy Birthday to Sara's Dad!
I sure have enjoyed my visit!
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