Well we finally got some eggs!! I have been waiting patiently while these chickens, ate and ate and ate some more. They kept growing and since the beginning of August I have been thinking any day now we will have some fresh eggs from our very own chickens. We got 5 eggs this week. The only hen laying in the littlest one of the bunch. We kept calling her the runt but now I'm thinking she might be a banty cross because her eggs are small. That's okay though, Tom said instead of his usual 3 he will have 4 to make up the difference. I had to substitute some store bought because there weren't enough to go around. That was kind of shock when you put store bought and fresh in the frying pan together. We have had chickens before, I knew there was a huge difference, but this just confirmed it. The fresh had nice yellow yolks, the store bought were pale yolks and they actually seemed watery compared to the fresh.

To my surprise the first egg I cracked in the pan was a double yolk - does that mean Good Luck??
We are still waiting to see if the 3 golden comets we have are roosters or hens. Where I got my chickens at said come over and get 3 definite hens because it sounds like the others are roosters. So I picked up another 3 golden comets from here and there is definitely a differnce in their looks and their combs. What were my chances of getting all roosters on my first batch?? They haven't started crowing and I hope somebody else starts laying soon. I really have to many now for my little space so hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have a definite on who's staying for the winter.
Dish rag tag started on Friday. I can't wait. Sounds like its going to be fun. I have everything I need and I saw that I was about in the middle - hopefully that will give me a chance to see how things go before the package arrives.
Well, I have got lots to do today. Hopefully I will be back later with my new knitting project.
Until next time.......
Doesn't it feel good to have eggs from your own chickens?? My boys get so excited when we get double yolk eggs!!!!
The eggs looks good. We haven't had chickens in yrs. but the fresh eggs are far better!Hope you get more eggs this wk.
Have a great wk.
The kids, Todd and I will be over for breakfast next Sunday for eggs and bacon (and I'll bring the bacon)!
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