I took a little bit of a break here - just enjoying all the good Fall weather we are having and we have lots of things going on. Below is our new wood stove that we picked up the other day. Doesn't sound like much - you just go out and buy one, but then furniture has to be moved in order to install it. It will eventually end up in this corner but we had a grandfather clock that sat there - so I have been moving and rearranging. Plus when my son moved back home after college he brought furniture with him. I think Lib says it best - time to do some decluttering. She has a great blog and I can't think of the name of it but if you go to the side bar on Quilted Simple it is there. She has some really good tips on how to live simple and ways to save money.
I will say though that even if I haven't been posting I have still been reading blogs and seeing what everybody is doing. That's half the fun.

I have hit a wall on the cropped cardigans. Hopefully I will get Kris' blocked by the end of the week and get back some of my energy to work on the one for Sara. I have still been knitting though. Tom is on nights this week so I have had lots of evenings to knit. I am actually working on a pair of fingerless gloves - hopefully I will have pictures later in the week. I took a class on knitting gloves and socks by the magic loop method instead of double points but there is just something about that method that I think is so slow and boring. The first fingerless glove didn't come out well at all with the magic loop - I am actually trying to make a thumb for the first time instead of a slit in the side of the glove. I had knit on double points before -- so I went and got my needles, found an online knitting video and away I went. This is going much better and I actually think using the other method I personally do not get the same tension as with double points. My second sock by magic loop method is so big - it is even to big for the men in this house. So that my plan for this evening - knitting with those 4 little sticks.
Next week is vacation week for Tom and I. It will be a working vacation with lots of things to be done around the house. We have to get the wood stove hooked up, we are replacing our roof and I also have a really long list if we get those 2 things done. Ha!Ha! I will just be happy not to have to get up at 5:00 a.m. every morning to be typing by 6:00 a.m. That is probably what I look forward to the most when we retire, not having to get out of bed in the early morning hours to work.
I'll still be checking in to see how everyone is doing though and who knows I might even get a few posts in.
One more thing - October besides my favorite time of the year is also my birthday month. In honor of my birthday and October I am going to have a give away at the end of the month. Anyone who leaves a comment between now and October 31 will win something knitted by me. I don't know what it will be yet, I have an idea but we will see how I do knitting with those 4 little pointed sticks.
Take care........ Enjoy October..... You all know what comes next!!!