Jessica drew the first name for the give away of the fingerless mitts. The winner is...
Crazy for primitive quilts and gardens.
Jessica and Tyler are very competitive with each other - Tyler just gave me that look like "How come she gets to draw a name and I don't. " So in the spirit of being a good Grandma Tyler got to draw a name. The winner is......
Mary Q
The problem is - I don't have a second pair of mitts knit. So Crazy for prim quilts and gardens get the pair that you saw in my previous post. I have listed my E mail address below. Let me know your address and I will get them out to you this week. I will knit another pair for Mary Q - you will just have to wait a bit, hopefully they will be done by the end of November.
My E mail is jmiller532002@yahoo.com
Sorry I can't knit a pair for all of you who entered. Kris and Sara were both over tonight and we are scheming up a give away put on by the 3 of us. You could get quilty and knitty stuff at one time. Stay tuned for more details.
Have a good weekend - tomorrow is November 1 - Yikes - the year is almost over!!
Congrads to your winners!
Loved the pics. :o)
Have a great wk.end!
yeah for your winners. how lucky are they? that was so nice of you to let both kids draw a name. kids have a way of changing our plans sometimes don't they? lol. great pics by the way. thanks for sharing. have a good evening.
Your gc's look great & it was nice of you to let them both draw a name :^)
I came here from DD's Sara's blog and I'll be back! Cheers, QGB
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