The contest is still moving on - no one has made a correct guess yet. There will still be winners if you all don't figure this out!! The prize is the felted bag below and some goodies filling it. The colors on this aren't really true, its a much deeper mauves with greens and browns - made out of Noro yarn. Feel free to take a stab at an answer more than once - for those of you just joining in see Friday's post for details and clues about what Tom and I will be doing today, our 39th wedding anniversay!! Its not dinner, flowers, laying on the couch eating bon-bons, etc.

Thought I'd also add a picture taken on that day long, long ago. Boy do we look young. The picture is out of our wedding album that was taken as we left the church.
In the late 60's, 70's most of the weddings that we were associated with were church weddings (ours was Catholic). We had a lunch after the church, then a large reception at night, 5 bridesmaids and ushers, 1 flower girl, 1 junior usher - all planned down to the last detail. Whew my head is spinning just thinking about it. I was the country girl, marrying the city boy who wanted to be the farmer/cowboy growing up. We did live in the city for several years, right smack dab in the middle of Berea, Ohio. In 1980 we moved to the country - after many years of my kicking and screaming about not leaving the city. Today we will be doing something very country. Can't say I regret it one bit though - marriage or moving to the country. Its been an adventure and I'm looking forward to another 39 years of adventures.
There is another clue to the contest in this post ladies! Comments will be taken until 5:00 p.m. Sunday, Sept 6 and I will chose the winner either that evening or on Monday. If you don't win don't be too disappointed though. In celebration of my getting back to blogging I already have another contest planned for next week.
Don't feel to sorry for me having to work today though. Tomorrow were off in the early morning to do a bit of anniversary celebrating with a day trip. We have always liked doing day trips.
Enjoy the day!