We were off to the fair today. Two of my grandkids are in a different county then we are and so we went to see their fair and enjoy the afternoon with them. It was busy, busy as usual. Here is a picture of Jessica and Tyler with 2 of their feeder calves. They are in 4-H but a younger group that doesn't show at the fair. They have 2 friends that are showing these calves though so its a hectic week for them. Jessica and Tyler love it though, lots of things going on, Grandma and Grandpa by you fair food, plus you get off school Monday and Tuesday this week for the fair. What could be better!!

When we got there they were participating in the kiddie tractor pull. You pedal a tractor with this sleigh hooked to it that gets heavier as you go. I think Tylers was around 50 pounds by the time you got to the end, but Jessica's was 200 pounds. (the older you are the heavier it is). They both did good, got ribbons and a ride ticket.

Kris entered one of her quilts in the fair and got 3rd - so she was pleased since there were quite a few entered. I couldn't find the building that the quilts were in though - so no pictures.
I thought for sure my dish rag tag box would come on Saturday. It left Chicago early Friday morning, it was priority mail, should be here in Ohio on Saturday. Wrong!! It went from Chicago to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Makes no sense, if you line things up east to west Ohio is before Pennsylvania. Hopefully it will be in my hands tomorrow. I will have lots of fast knitting to do.
Until next time......
Wow, your Fair is late. Congratulations to the kids. Their calves look great.
yeah kris!
looks ;like you had a great day spent with your family! how fun.
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