The fingerless gloves below are ones that I had been making for Jessica and finally got them finished, especially with a nudge from the works in progress that I signed up for. I used the pattern Toasty by Leslie Friend ( She gave out 2 free patterns, this one has a thumb, the other doesn't. This is a really easy and quick pattern and all of my fingerless gloves thus far have been knit from one of these patterns. These that I made for Jessica I only cast on 30 stitches and cut the thumb stitches down by 3. The yarn is Jaspe' Wool - I forget the exact colorway but as you can see they came out great. So great that I went back last week and bought another color for Kris' mitts. (If you remember - way back in December Kris and I agreed not to finish our Christmas presents to each other - so we could finish presents for others- and make some cut little bird ornaments). If you hope on over to her blog (quiltedsimple) you can see she is almost done with the sheet quilt she is making me. Good thing it wasn't done when I was there today - I only have one mitt done. By next weekend I'm sure we will both be getting belated Christmas presents. Sounds like a little bit of fun to me - we might have to do this again!!

Well I'm off to put on my PJ's and spend the rest of the evening knitting. There are more projects to finish before I can start something else - and I so want to start something new!!
Until next time........
those are lovely! especially in that yarn!!!!
love those. they look so nice and warm. can't wait to see what else you are knitting.
Cute! I also really like your snowmen. I just happened on to your blog, and it's really nice. It's been fun to be here. Thanks!
Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your kind comment on my lap quilt top.
Love these toasties for Kris's little girl. :) The colors are great! And your vintage sheet quilt looks soft and pretty. Enjoy!
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