I tried to get all my things together for the Works in Progress Challenge - what do you think?? I think I sure do have a lot of unfinished stuff. Have I started on anything you ask?? Nope - just looking at it so far!! Even worse - I could probably finish off more than half of the stuff in less than an hour each. Tonight is a good TV night for me - so maybe I'll start tonight. Maybe.. This goes all year - so no pressure!!

Topic #2:
Ohio State lost on Monday. Well - there is always next year!!
Topic #3:
Blogging: Before I had my own blog I read blogs all the time. I still read blogs all the time. If I have a couple of minutes to spare I sit down and read blogs - like instead of watching TV. Then I got my own blog and it has been even more fun and interesting. First off - who knew I could take pictures that you could put out there for other people to see. I had a terrible time at first uploading them, but I did learn how get those pictures right (A little tough love from my son was all it took - he just doesn't understand I am computer challenged) This is a part I have really enjoyed and definitely want to get better at picture taking. This year - more pictures.
I have enjoyed the comments that people have left. So far no one has had anything nasty to say - so that is good. But it feels good to know that people are enjoying what you have to say. You will notice that I said I read blogs, but I don't comment a lot. This year I will try very hard not to be such a lurker and put more comments out there. Blogging is like inviting people into your home and talking to them about everyday stuff - so I need to definitely comment more.
I have also noticed that people do read my blog and don't have a blog - just like I used to be. My advice to these people is GET A BLOG. Can't think of a better way to chronicle your life and then I can see what you are doing in your life. Which is one of the reasons why I'm putting this all out there. Even Tom is a blog reader. He reads Kris and Sara's blog faithfully and feels like he keeping up with them on a day to day basis. Sometime this year he is going to do a couple of posts here at Country-Chicken. I will admit I don't know all the tricks of getting things to appear, like those tricky little badges, but I have blog technicians that help me out every now and then. So if you get stuck on something I'll lend you one of the blog techs - they will have you up and running in a jiffy. So all of you lurkers without a blog - get going and have some fun with this.
Topic #4:
Pay it Forward. My turn to do Pay it Forward. I joined last year with Children in the Corn and my gift arrived on Christmas Eve. Unbelievable is the word I would have to use on this gift. Since everyone has been taking a bit of a break with the holidays I decided to do my Pay It Forward the beginning of January. Tomorrow I will show you the beautiful chicken counted cross-stitch I received and touch on some of the rules. So think about if you want to do this with me. I need 3 people, the gift has to be hand made - mine will be something knitted and you will have it by Fall 2009. (Heavy knitted things are of much use in Spring and Summer). Then you will need to post about it on your blog, have 3 people join you and make them something. It can be any type of hand crafted item. More tomorrow on this.
Hope you have a good evening and stay warm. More winter storm warnings are out for tomorrow evening and Saturday in our area - Brrrrr!!
And I thought I had a lot of projects. I think you have me beat!!!! Where have you been hiding all those projects?
Hope you can complete those projects:o)
I enjoy your blog very much!
Hope you all are having a great wk.
So do I need to put a post on that you can edit for your pay it forward since I happen to be one of those technicians you are lending out?? LOL!
hapy new year! i love pay it forward. i did this almost a year ago,a dn i still need to get my gifts out! yikes!
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