Thanks for all the comments on the dog hair situation. I actually took the pet vacuum part of my vacuum and used it on Marley the other day. It all seems to be lessening. I also bought a new rug for the living room - which seems to have helped quite a bit. The other rug was navy blue, some wool, very comfy to roll on and scratch your bag. I just went to Home Depot and bought one of their area rugs (see below). Its a low berber and covers a lot more of the room. You don't see as much of the wood floor, but I don't see as much of the hair laying on the floor.
As Tom pointed out - the hair is still there, you just don't see it. The key word being you - meaning me. What am I working on this week with Marley - not jumping on the bed the minute we leave the house. I broke her of laying on the couch when we left - by putting newspapers on it, but now she likes our bed!!

Has anyone started their Christmas shopping yet?? I am moving right along and have set the goal - done by Thanksgiving!! That would be a first for me. It also helps that 2 of the grandkids are teenagers and money is always good.
Knitting is progressing although I have nothing to show. My sock did not get finished so maybe later today or tomorrow I can try to figure it out on my own. At our sock club were starting a KAL - 2 socks at one time. Good thing we are all beginner sock knitters. Ought to be interesting.
We have had some great weather for the past 2 weeks - actually better than October. In the upper 50s (which still is not 70 but better than the alternative) and sunny. So that is it for today - I'm off to mow the front yard - but I do need to find my gloves. Hopefully this is the last time we have to mow for this year. I like to mow grass but I am definitely ready for a break from that job.
Medina has their Candlelight Walk this weekend. The paper said they light 5,000 luminaries around the town. It will be great if the weather stays warm - makes all that shopping I am planning on doing a little more enjoyable because once you find a parking space that is where you walk from. I have been cutting coupons out of the paper all week for some of my favorite places - I just might get some good bargins.
Enjoy the rest of the week!!